Summer is a joyous and invigorating time at Florida Studio Theatre. For over 35 years, FST’s Summer Theatre Camp has been welcoming young artists to their downtown campus to discover, create, and connect through the art of live theatre.
Led by our staff of Resident Teaching Artists, FST’s Summer Theatre Camp provides spirited guidance, helping each child connect with their own innate creativity.
FST’s Summer Theatre Camp features multiple sessions of one-week, three-week and four-week camp offerings for youth ages 4-17, running throughout the summer.
Safety first! Amazing theatrical experience, a very close second. Rigorous care will be taken to ensure students’ safety by fully complying with CDC guidelines specifically laid out for Summer Camps. The theatre will take additional measures, such as reducing camp capacities and limiting the number of people in each studio space to no more than 13 people to further protect students’ health and safety.*
*Guidelines may be updated in accordance with changes in recommendations by the CDC
Summer Camp details:
Multiple Sessions Running June 14 - August 6
Ages 4-6
Little Theatre Full Session (3 Weeks)
Session One: June 21 - July 9 | 9AM - 1PM | $345
Session Two: July 19 - August 6 | 9AM -1PM | $345
Little Theatre: "The Play's The Thing"
Introduction Week (1 Week)
Session One: June 14 - June 18 | 9AM -1PM | $140
Session Two: July 12 - July 16 | 9AM - 1PM | $140
Ages 7-12
Children's Performing Arts Camp (3 Weeks)
Session One: June 21 - July 9 | 10AM - 3PM | $525
Session Two: July 19 - August 6 | 10AM - 3PM | $525
Intro to Theatre: All The World's A Stage (1 Week)
Session One: June 14 - June 18 | 9AM - 2PM | $185
Session Two: July 12 - July 16 | 9AM - 2PM | $185
Ages 13-17
Teen Performing Arts Camp (3 Weeks)
Session One: June 14 - July 2 | 10:15AM - 3:15PM | $525
Session Two: July 12 - July 30 | 10:15AM - 3:15PM | $525
Teen Improv (1 Week)
Session One: July 5 - July 9 | 10AM - 2PM | $175
Session Two: August 2 - August 6 | 10AM - 2PM | $175
Young Performers Company (4 Weeks)
Session One: June 14 - July 9 | 10AM - 4PM | $600
Session Two: July 12 - August 6 | 10AM - 4PM | $600
For more information or to enroll, contact Josh Ford at 941.366.1350 or
Business Review
“My daughter loves coming to FST. She likes to teach us all the acting games she learned in class. She is always so excited to tell us about all the fun she had.” – April, Summer Camp Parent, 2020
"My granddaughter has found her artistic home at FST! She was very reserved before she began taking classes at Florida Studio Theatre. Now she has blossomed into a more outgoing and positive individual. It's a true joy to see her grow so much." - Dorothy, Summer Camp Grandparent, 2019
"My son blossomed so much through this program. We are so grateful for FST's substantial contribution to his personal growth." - Tammy, Summer Camp Parent, 2018
"This experience for my daughter was a life-changing event." - Summer Camp Parent, 2015