
Introduce Your Child to Yoga & Mindfulness with Kerri Berri Kids Yoga!

August 30, 2017

Meet Kerri of Kerri Berri Kids Yoga!

I am a Certified Children's Yoga Instructor. I am also Certified to teach Differently-Abled Children through the Yoga Alliance and trained with Kidding Around Yoga in March 2017. After practicing yoga for nearly 3 years and seeing my son and daughter's interest in breathing and poses, I considered how substantial it would be to have the ability and skills to teach other children in the community this beautiful art of self regulation and control. I feel that it is our time to not only realize a shift in ourselves, but recognize that we are responsible in helping our children shift into this New Age, where not only technology and media have increased dramatically, but human energy levels and spirituality are at an all time high. Mindfulness, awareness of the breathe, and being healthy and active are only a few benefits of yoga, and by teaching our children to grow up with these positive ways of living we are setting them up for a life of well-being and gratitude for all things.

There is a shift coming, a time when children need us to guide them to that peaceful place, that "Secret Garden." It will not take one class, it will not take one moment, or any certain time frame at all. We hold the seeds to plant what will grow in these children and allow them to live a positive way now and in their future. A way that is in alignment with who they truly are, pure and beautiful souls. It is within us as parents and caregivers to raise our children high and give them the benefits of what stillness and peacefulness can bring to their bodies and minds. I am here to teach yoga to children, help them understand their breath, play some pretty fun and awesome games, and best of all, how to meditate and feel the stillness within. I look forward to sharing my practice with your children and family! Namaste.

Bring your little ones to one of Kerri Berri Kids Yoga’s upcoming classes!

1:30 to 2:30PM
Circusoul Floor Yoga
Circusoul Yoga

4:00 to 4:45PM
Midweek Mindfulness
Pineapple Yoga Studio

Sundays (beginning 9/24)
10:00 to 10:45AM
Clark’s Self Defense

On the second Sunday of every month at 4:00PM you can join Kerri Berri Kids Yoga and The Intentional Oiler Project for Project Yoga at Colonial Oaks Park. They will be offering DIYs with essential oils as well as a kids yoga class.

For more information on Kerri Berri Kids Yoga visit her website at

Like her on Facebook HERE to stay up to date on events including upcoming Kids Chakra Workshops!

All photos provided by Kerri Berri Kids Yoga.